martes, septiembre 30, 2008

Acceso Remoto a Computadoras. 2008.

Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 8:06 PM
Remote access everywhere

From: Download Dispatch for Windows

VPN: Virtual Private Networking.

With all of the fancy new portable devices like iPhones, BlackBerrys, and ultrathin laptops that can go anywhere, it's no surprise that VPN (virtual private networking) and remote-access software are booming markets.

Products such as GoToMyPC, LogMeIn, and WebEx allow users to read documents, check e-mail, or install and run applications from anywhere in the world.

Specialized software Simplify Media allows music fans the ability to listen to their iTunes or Winamp libraries wherever they may roam.

A new, free application called Remobo aims to combine its VPN and remote-access features with screen-sharing functionality found in programs like CrossLoop and Yuuguu. The software is still in development, so there are a few bugs here and there, but the all-in-one remote functionality that offers complete access to off-site PCs and share files with yourself and friends is a sure sign of things to come.

Read more about Remobo with a full walk-through from Seth Rosenblatt.


Peter Butler
Senior content manager,

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