sábado, agosto 20, 2011

Insertando videos FLV y MP4 en páginas web, con el JW Player

Embedding FLV & MP4 Video With JW Player.
By words2content
July 3, 2010.

JW Player is versatile and free for non-commercial website. With JW Player you can have a FLV/MP4 flash video running in a loop without any play/pause/stop controls giving the impression of a video advertisement running.

Or, you can have various types of controls, various types of player skins, and so much more. What’s really good with JW Player is that the setup wizard [http://www.longtailvideo.com/support/jw-player-setup-wizard] lets you do all these very easily.

You can then view how the video actually plays, and if you like it, you can copy the html code given by up wizard the set for embedding the player in your webpage.

The video below explains the different ways of embedding flash movies in web page. Full html codes and other details can be had from this article on embedding SWF, FLV, & MP4 videos in a web page.

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The Best BlackBerry VoIP Apps & Services

June 15th, 2008.
The Best BlackBerry VoIP Apps & Services
Posted in: Mobile on June 15th, 2008

We've already been there for iPhone VoIP, but what about all you BlackBerry users? What do you do for cheap calls on your BlackBerry? Do you use a phone card or an override provider to cut costs?

Fortunately there is another way to make cheap calls on your BB: VoIP. There is a choice of mobile Voice over IP apps and services for BlackBerries that let you make cheap calls, send text messages, IM with friends and even transfer files on the fly. These are mostly free downloads, but some are also web-based which makes them even easier and more convenient to use.

So without further ado, here are the best BlackBerry VoIP apps, services and tools. Go and check them out

Blackberry Pearl

Truphone [Recommended]
This really is a full featured VoIP solution for the Blackberry, one that you can actually use and trust without compromise.
Installing Truphone on your Blackberry is relatively simple: Truphone will text you a link to download their application to your Blackberry and from there on it's a case of following the instructions.
But it's the cost cutting and not the easy install that will attract you to Truphone! If you're on the road a lot then Truphone will save you on international calls by routing calls over the internet.
You don't even have to be connected to the internet to save money: if you are offline and use Truphone to make the call then they route it via the internet and you'll still save money. It's a no brainer really. Got Blackberry? Get truphone.

You may already be familiar with the desktop version of Gizmo5, which is one of the foremost Skype competitors.
Gizmo5 for BlackBerry is an application that you download and install which lets you make free calls to your Gizmo5 contacts, IM with friends on Gizmo5, AIM, MSN, GTalk, Yahoo! and Jabber, as well as transfer files.
Calls from your BlackBerry to mobiles and landlines are vastly cheaper whether domestic or international, as are text messages. The interface is simple; if you've ever used a softphone or IM client then you'll be able to use this without any problem


lets you do more than just make cheap VoIP calls on your BlackBerry. With Eqo you can easily chat with contacts on MSN, AIM, GTalk, ICQ, Jabber and Yahoo! all from within the application. But what you'll probably be more interested in is the ability to use Eqo to make cheap calls and send text messages for less using your BlackBerry's data plan. It's very easy to setup and use, as well as being reliable. Would I recommend EQO? Yep


One of the most frequently used features of the Nimbuzz application is the ability to IM with your friends on Skype, GTalk, AIM, MSN, Yahoo! and Jabber.
Nimbuzz will use up your mobile minutes to make calls at local rate (regardless of where you are, subject to availability, and who you are calling) from your BlackBerry, but they are working on an updated version allowing full VoIP functionality that will make use of your data plan.
I really do like Nimbuzz, but if you are a heavy user and need to cut back on the cost of international calls there are other options also worth a look in.

Nimbuzz also have a handy VoIP widget that can be embedded on blogs, websites and profile pages on Facebook, MySpace etc.


This South Africa-based company offers a mobile VoIP solution that has good support for many BlackBerry phones.
The free download offers multiple features including text chat, IM (Yahoo!, MSN, GTalk, AIM), SMS and voice calls all in one simple interface.
Yeigo makes use of your data plan so calls are made using VoIP / P2P technology and will not use your mobile minutes. This is a good option for making cheap calls on your BlackBerry


This is a popular web-based service that requires no download, you just navigate to their page on your BlackBerry and login to your account.
Once you have stocked up on some credit you can make cheap calls using their service. I;ve found that the Raketu site isn't particularly super-intuitive, but nevertheless it will save you money, especially when overseas


If you need to stay in touch with your Skype contacts on your BlackBerry then take a look at iSkoot.
This is a hybrid VoIP / GSM product that uses your minutes when making calls or having a text chat with your friends on Skype.
If most of your contacts are not on Skype, then it would be worthwhile looking into a pure mobile VoIP service that relies on data transfer instead as these will work out cheaper

WebMessenger Mobile for Skype

This is a piece of software that you download onto your BlackBerry that lets you communicate with your Skype contacts, via Skype on your home computer.
Therefore to use WebMessenger you must always have your home computer turned on with Skype running, which for me is a considerable drawback

WebMessenger works by sending a request from your BlackBerry to Skype on your computer over the wireless internet, which when received, initiates a call to your contact via your SkypeOut account. This is a bit of a hack, but if you use Skype a lot then it's worth considering. Both a free and paid version are available.

This is another web-based call-back service available to BlackBerry users. It works in a way similar to Jajah; enter your number, enter your friend's number and you get connected.
vBuzzer is mostly known for their desktop softphone, but their mobile version is worth a look, especially if you already use vBuzzer or have contacts that use it frequently


VoIP.com is an established pure VoIP provider who also offer their service for BlackBerry users, as well as Windows Mobile and Java-enabled phones. The VoIP.com app will use your data plan to get you those all-important discounted rates on phone calls from your BB. You will need to setup an account with them to use the service
© 1999-2008 blog VoIP_Solutions.
All rights reserved.

miércoles, agosto 17, 2011

Análisis: Autoridades deben adaptarse a la era del Twitter.

Publicado el Jueves, 11/08/2011 - 4:36pm
Análisis: Autoridades deben adaptarse a la era del Twitter.
Agencia Reuters

El primer ministro británico, David Cameron, amenazó el jueves con bloquear temporalmente plataformas como el servicio de mensajería de BlackBerry utilizado para coordinar los saqueos y disturbios, pero la experiencia de la "primavera árabe" sugiere que esa estrategia podría estar condenada al fracaso.


Con los medios sociales acelerando de forma brutal el ciclo noticioso y desparramando rumores sobre disturbios y quiebras de bancos a la velocidad de la luz, políticos, empresas y gobiernos no tendrán más remedio que adaptarse rápidamente.

El primer ministro británico, David Cameron, amenazó el jueves con bloquear temporalmente plataformas como el servicio de mensajería de BlackBerry utilizado para coordinar los saqueos y disturbios, pero la experiencia de la "primavera árabe" sugiere que esa estrategia podría estar condenada al fracaso.

Para algunos de los países más poderosos del mundo, el reto difícilmente podría ser mayor. Los disturbios de los últimos días en Gran Bretaña volvieron ingobernables partes de Londres y otras ciudades y plantearon serias dudas sobre la sostenibilidad de la estrategia de austeridad del Gobierno.

El derrocamiento de los presidentes de Túnez y Egipto por revoluciones impulsadas a través de los medios sociales alarmó claramente a los gobernantes de China, que crearon un sofisticado sistema de "autoritarismo en red" para controlar el debate en internet y evitar un destino similar.

Pero incluso algunos veteranos especialistas en seguridad advierten que estos recursos no sólo estarían condenados al fracaso, sino que pondrían en peligro la autoridad de quienes los aplican. La decisión del depuesto presidente Hosni Mubarak de desconectar a Egipto de internet, dicen, sólo hizo que más personas salieran a las calles.

"El empleo de medios sociales en las protestas parece un factor que cambia el juego, pero cualquier intento de imponer el control estatal (...) parecería destinado a fracasar", dijo John Bassett, ex alto cargo en la agencia británica de inteligencia de señales, GCHQ, y ahora es miembro del Royal United Services Institute de Londres.

"En definitiva, es probable que aquellos gobiernos que intentan utilizar los modelos de control a la antigua fracasen, perdiendo legitimidad y respeto a los ojos de sus poblaciones", añadió.

Supervisar la red en busca de inteligencia relevante es útil, señaló Bassett, igual que instar a personas y comunidades a denunciar a los individuos potencialmente problemáticos.

Pero la mayoría de los expertos en comunicación coinciden en que lo que de verdad tienen que hacer las instituciones es aprender a usar estas plataformas para tomar la iniciativa. Y tienen que aprender deprisa.

Caroline Sapriel, una consultora que asesora a empresas multinacionales en crisis, dijo que la clave es que las empresas utilicen plataformas como Twitter para implicarse rápidamente cuando hay un problema y evitar perder el control.

Crisis "a la velocidad de la luz".

"En estos tiempos, las crisis de toda clase se desencadenan y ganan impulso a la velocidad de la luz", dijo Sapriel. "Ya no hay dudas de que para contar tu versión de la historia (...) los medios sociales son la forma".

El grupo News Corp. de Rupert Murdoch lo descubrió a su pesar el mes pasado. Una campaña en Twitter para convencer a los anunciantes de que retirasen su publicidad del semanario News of the World, golpeado por un escándalo, cobró fuerza tan deprisa que el periódico cerró en apenas unos días.

Las acusaciones de que el periódico había pinchado buzones de teléfonos móviles y pagado a la policía por información no sólo causaron un daño duradero a la reputación de News Corp, sino a buena parte de las instituciones británicas, a las que se vio demasiado cercanas al magnate Murdoch.

Con los mercados financieros más volátiles que nunca, eso es algo que los bancos en particular tendrán que considerar. Esta semana, igual que durante la crisis financiera del 2008, las acciones bancarias oscilaron violentamente en base a rumores que a menudo las propias instituciones eran demasiado lentas en desmentir.

También existe una curva de aprendizaje que está causando problemas a algunos cuerpos de la policía británica, en especial en Londres.

Otros cuerpos, como la policía de Manchester, fueron mucho más rápidos en adoptar Twitter para interactuar con los ciudadanos, subiendo imágenes de saqueadores a Facebook para que la gente les identificara.

"Hay muchos criminales capturados en CCTV (circuitos cerrados de televisión): Os identificaremos e iremos a por vosotros", dijo la policía en un mensaje.

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